The Moomins and their friends are a curious bunch of characters that like to explore their surroundings. Their key values include adventure, freedom and respect for nature. Therefore, it seems only natura that Stelton’s assortment corresponds well with these values. The Stelton x Moomins stainless steel To Go cups and drinking bottles can be used again and again – perfect for life on the move. Save resources by bringing your own cup and drinking bottle when you are on the go.
Stelton x Moomin

Tove Jansson

The island of Klovharun became a haven, passion and a never-ending source of inspiration
There is a surprisingly large number of people who go around dreaming of an island” Tove Jansson wrote. She was among those who got to fulfil their dream.
Jansson’s long life by the sea forms a clear basis for her stories. She spent almost all her summers in Pellinki archipelago in the Gulf of Finland – and preferably moved out there early in the spring each year. For over 20 years she spent several months in the outermost archipelago at the island of Klovharu, with her life partner Tuulikki Pietilä. “The girls”, as the locals would call them, went out to the island in April and usually stayed until September.
The Moomin storie are like love letters dedicated to nature: even the smallest critters and plants are described and illustrated, and the forces of nature are described with respect and grandeur. Those who wish can also interpret deeper meanings from the descriptions of nature.
Stelton X Moomin to go cups and drinking bottles are perfect for life on the move, so join the adventurous Moomins and enjoy your favourite drink on the go.

Stelton to go cups and drinking bottles are perfect for both hot and cold drinks during a walk-and-talk, when commuting to and from work, shopping, or simply whenever you are on the go.